When Connecting the Scanner to EdgeXperience Capture Service

Note that a contract is required to use EdgeXperience Capture Service.

For information about the contract, contact the distributor/dealer where you purchased this product. Refer to the contact information in the Contact List if supplied with this product, or refer to the contact information in the Contact for Inquiries section if provided in Safety Precautions supplied with this product, and then make an inquiry.

For details about operating with EdgeXperience Capture Service, refer to the EdgeXperience Capture Service User's Guide.

About the procedure from unpackaging the scanner to turning the power on, refer to Getting Started.

  1. Connect the scanner using one of the following procedures.
  2. Specify the following items:
    • IP Address

      Set an IP address for the scanner.

      When you set an IP address manually, configure [Subnet Mask] and [Default Gateway].

    • DNS Server

      Set this item to use a DNS server.

      Specify IP addresses for [Primary DNS] and [Secondary DNS].

    • Proxy Server

      Set this item to use a proxy server.

      Specify [Host Name/IP address] and [Port Number]. If an authentication is necessary, specify [Username] and [Password].

    • Network Encryption

      Select [Encryption On (HTTPS)].

    • PaperStream NX Manager

      Select [EdgeXperience (Cloud)] for [Server Type] and specify [Region] and [Tenant Code].

    • Startup mode

      Select a startup mode for the scanner.

    • Scanner name

      Set a scanner name.

    When you finish setting the relevant items, the screen indicates that the setting process is complete.

  3. Check the items that are set and press the [Complete] button.
  4. Check whether the scanner is ready to start scanning.

    For details, refer to the EdgeXperience Capture Service User's Guide.


To change the scanner settings, the administrator password is required.

You can check the default administrator password by checking whether there is a label or not. For details, refer to Checking the Product Label.

Change the administrator password to prevent the settings from being changed by other users.

Also, change the administrator password regularly.

The administrator password can be changed in the screen that appears in the following procedure:

Settings [Scanner Settings] [Admin Password]


The network settings can be changed in the menu that is displayed in the following procedure.

Settings [Scanner Settings] [Network]